IELTS Writing Task-2 Sample Question 01

Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere.To what extent do you agree with this view?

There are some people who believe that funding the arts is a waste of money that could be better used to address other, more urgent societal problems. I agree that there are probably a lot of issues that can't be fixed unless we allocate a lot more money to the problem.

I agree with the idea that the government should spend money on increasingly serious problems rather than the arts. This is due to the fact that the majority of talented people in today's society are focused on their careers and looking for better ways to earn money. To put it another way, modern media considers the arts to be pointless; instead, it would be more beneficial to direct resources toward finding solutions to the major problems that impede the economic development of so many countries. Because a healthy population results in an increase in the size of the labour force, which in turn contributes to a high level of budget, healthcare is deserving of more financial support than the arts.

Another factor to take into account is that art is not a necessary component of a well-rounded education and therefore should not be given more weight than other topics. Because of this, it won't be possible to assist young people in finding jobs in the future. As an illustration, considering that the arts aren't as crucial as other subjects, parents typically encourage their children to concentrate on math and science while they are in school rather than the arts.

To summarise, the primary concerns for every nation should be addressing important issues such as healthcare reform and educational inequality. These should be the primary factors.

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