Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business.
Why do you think that is?
What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts?
Model Answer
Art is considered to be very essential source of knowledge about a particular region and its culture. However, in this contemporary world of competition, more and more people give more importance to science, technology and business instead of arts. This essay will discuss the reason behind declination in people's interest in art and suggest several steps that can be proven to be help in encouraging the society to take part in it.
The major reason behind this reduction is the shifting of mindset of current generation from artwork to commercialization. Nowadays, they now focus on reaching the goal they have set for themselves in the field of their education and profession. In addition, individuals consider art unproductive and merely wastage of time because art, unlike industry, cannot help the people to make their both ends meet. Take artists as an example; their living style is often seem to be miserable and of low standard as compared to those of employed in any type of technical work. Thus, the people have turned their centre of attention to earn more and more.
However, tackling this issue involves altering the public's mindset that needs to happen with the help of government. The government authorities should take different steps in order to maintain the attentiveness of society towards art-work. For example, it should organize prize-giving contests for artists and local people as it will help them to enhance and encourage their drawing and representing skills among people. Moreover, proper employment facilities should be provided to help them earn their necessities. That is why; there is always a need of help from government.
In conclusion, this essay discussed the factor contributing the drop in people's interest towards art and suggested some solutions that can cope up with this issue. However, in my opinion, unless efforts are made it is impossible to change the thoughts of society regarding art and craft.