Here is a list of the most commonly used words in the IELTS listening test that you should keep in mind to avoid losing valuable marks. Be warned, some of these words are commonly misspelt by IELTS test takers.
List of Words in Listening Test
local library, swimming pool, cafeteria, cottage, parliament, accommodation restaurant, canteen, cafe, bookshop, sports centre, city council, dance studio, park, conversation club, kindergarten, keep-fit studio
Equipment and tools:
helmet, light, musical instrument, cassette, silicon chip, digital monitor, gadget. device, screen, breaks, wheels, mechanical pencil, disk, backpack
The arts and media:
opera, orchestra, concert, symphony, the press, conductor, vocalist, audience,
festival, carnival, exhibition, classical music, theatre, cinema, art gallery, museum,ballet, television, radio, graphics, newspaper
fur, metal, steel, aluminum, copper, rubber, plastic, ceramics, glass, cement, stone, textile, cotton, fabric, wool, leather, bone, paper, lumber/wood, glue, composite, fiberglass, concrete, wax, paper, wood, silver, gold, feather
Work and jobs:
occupation, profession, designer, decorator, architect, engineer, manager, waitress, waiter, teacher, vacancy, professor, specialist, psychologist, volunteer, freelance, secretary, craftsman, work experience, curriculum vitae, mail address, receptionist. pilot, guard, flight attendant, lecturer, office assistant, clerk, accountant, cashier, captain
blue, white, orange, green, grey, black, red, yellow, purple, brown, pink
Time Expressions:
once, twice, three times, three times per week, a gap year, full-time, part-time.midday, midnight, millennium, century, decade, fortnight
passport photo, state, government, individual, variety, private sector, practice. gender. creativity, original inhabitant, indigenous, demonstration, strike, entrance, circuit, guarantee, dialogue commerce, carriage, narrative, chocolate, satellite, decision. prototype, attitude, daily routine, personal fulfillment, activity, recipient, ultrasound, pedestrian safety, traffic jams, procedures,
Creation, prize, junior, senior, opportunity. driving license, process, literary, man-made, republicans, umbrella, frequently updated, waiting list, sewer systems, liberal democracy, democrats, lunar calendar, libertarian burger, videos, nature conservation, life expectancy, fund-raising event, magnet, dialect, ramification, straight, farewell, welfare, encyclopedia, evolution, revolution, illiteracy, robot oficiency, sufficient