It is said that people should be encouraged to get married before they are 30, as this is best both for the individual and for society.Do you agree or disagree?

It is often recommended that people should get married before they cross the age of 30.  They believe it is best for both the individual and the society, to which I cannot completely agree with. 

The primary reason behind my disagreement is because of the fact that most adults must have not attained financial independence at this age. To be precise, the ideal age a person of this generation takes up a reputable job is only after the age of 25. Naturally, he needs to wait for another 5 years to have enough savings to make a family, which is economically strong. Those families which have poor economic base show lax bond in between and is prone to strained relationships.

Another reason why I cannot agree to the view is because of the emotional immaturity an individual might possess at this age . To be clearer, even though most couple are physically eligible to become partners of life, most of them may have not attained emotional maturity.  Young couples under 30 often show annoyance, impatience and might exhibit ego towards their partners. This often results in frequent conflicts and their relationship would become fragile, and eventually breaks up.

I admit owing to the decreasing life-expectancy and increasing morbidity, it is rational to marry before a person attains 30. However; most often, the problems associated with the aforementioned factors appears to be less severe when compared to problems resulting from financial and emotional factors.

To conclude, though certain factors make early marriage justifiable, I think it is better to make a family only when a person attains financial independence and emotional maturity, and this happens usually after 30 for this generation.

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